Lecture Information

Information retrieval technology that changes the world

Information retrieval (IR) is the activity of obtaining information resources relevant to an information need from a collection of information resources. Searches can be based on full-text or other content-based indexing. Information retrieval is the science of searching for information in a document, searching for documents themselves, and also searching for metadata that describe data, and for databases of texts, images or sounds.

Grading Policy

  • 10% Attendance
  • 30% Midterm
  • 30% Final
  • 30% Project

Late Policy

  • If the attendance is less than two-thirds of the total class time, F credit
  • If you are absent due to hospital treatment or emergency, please send your doctor's report by e-mail after scanning or shooting


  • Python basics
  • Ability to use the Internet

Schedule and Syllabus

# of Lecture Date Description Lecture Materials
Lecture #0 2017-09-01 Lecture Introduction
How Search Works
The Evolution of Search
Explore a Google data center
Lecture slides
Youtube video
Youtube video
Youtube video
Lecture #1 2017-09-08 Boolean Retrieval Lecture slides
Lecture #2 2017-09-15 The Term Vocabulary & Postings Lists Lecture slides
Practice #1 2017-09-22 Google All Tips and Tricks Lecture slides
Lecture #3 2017-09-29 Dictionaries and Tolerant Retrieval Lecture slides
Holidays 2017-10-06 Chuseok holidays (later supplemented lecture)
Lecture #4 2017-10-13 Index Construction Lecture slides
Lecture #5 2017-10-20 Index Compression Lecture slides
Exam #1 2017-10-27 Mid-term Exam
Lecture #6 2017-11-03 Scoring, Term Weighting & the Vector Space Model Lecture slides
Lecture #7 2017-11-10 Computing Scores in a Complete Search System Lecture slides
Lecture #8 2017-11-17 Evaluation in Information Retrieval Lecture slides
Lecture #9 2017-11-24 Relevance Feedback & Query Expansion Lecture slides
Practice #2 2017-12-01 Python Jump to Python
Practice #3 2017-12-08 TF-IDF Matching Score Function using Python Corpus
Exam #2 2017-12-15 Final Exam
Project 2017-12-21 Project (due date: 12/20 18:00)

Personal Project

  • Simple natural language processing using Python
  • Create a web crawler using Python
  • Create a simple search engine using Python


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